Life Lessons from an Ant

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I know that many of us know an ant is an hard working creature and one can learn many things from their working style and ethics in life. There are some favorite ones which I always remember when I see an ant…

An ant is a persistent in her effort for their work.

If some obstacle come in the way of an ant what do they do? They just ignore that obstacle and will try to come back again to their original path. Whether it is water or even your hand..Just try it..Yes They are persistent in their effort. They always committed to their original work, no matter what is happening in the way of doing it.

They always remember that hard time will come…

In their working days which is usually summers they work very hard to save as much food as they can for the winter season. This gives a great lesson for us that we should not become arrogant in our good days….We should keep our head down and should do hard work while we are in good shape as well as in happy stage.

They always remember that the hard time will not be there forever…

During winter when they are facing extreme environmental conditions, deep down in a cavity they always remember that these hard days will not be there forever and summers will come again…In those hard times, only the good work done in good days helps them to survive. Like that, we should not get our head down when the going is not so smooth….and should have faith that the good time will come again.

Go an extra mile…Do something extra in life…

Again, Can you do something extra in life without cursing someone else and without comparing your work with them? Yes! this is one another good quality an ant have….They work to gather as much as food as they can gather without comparing their effort with their friends. They don’t stop working thinking that now they have gathered enough for themselves.

These are some incredible life lessons, we should try to incorporate in our life to achieve great results in our life. Believe me, we are much more capable than an ant…

Best of Luck…

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