Do you have a problem bigger than him?

Do you have this feeling of having problems in life bigger than anyone else near you? Then imagine a problem as big as this… Imagine that you don’t have both hands as well as legs…Hard to imagine but yes! there is a person who is dealing with issue… Would you be able to live your […]

Always see the larger picture in your life!

Yes! This is what I received today after my meditation session from the unseen… Always see the larger picture in your life…It is always not good for us to go into detail of every minor issues of your daily life. If you club this message from our earlier post which includes the 7 habits which […]

Life Lessons from an Ant

I know that many of us know an ant is an hard working creature and one can learn many things from their working style and ethics in life. There are some favorite ones which I always remember when I see an ant… An ant is a persistent in her effort for their work. If some […]

Why Am I Finding it difficult to focus in my life?

I do have a big goal for myself and want to really achieve it. But, honestly…The effort which I can put in to achieve is missing…Why this is so? I don’t know. Is this thing happen to everyone? I also know that what are the things which are important to do to achieve my goals. […]

Begin with The End In Mind….How beautiful though it is…?

You may be thinking…What does it mean? Today I was again re-reading the famous book “7 Habits of highly effective people” By Stephen R Covey again. It is the second habit. Here I will try share my understanding with you as per my experience. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Here writer have asked […]