The Last Question : If Today Were The Last Day of My Life
Steve Jobs is one of the person in my life who has always been an inspiration for me. Whenever I felt down and out, I have gone to YouTube and other inspirational websites just to listen him and charge myself once again. He has always shared his wisdom with the world with passion not only […]
How to Achieve my Money Goal?
I have just taken a major shift in my life when it comes to means of earning money. Till few days back, I was earning money though my corporate job with a good looking designation at a very prestigious company. Now, I have decided to earn all my income through web-services and internet marketing efforts. […]
How to be consistent with my Good Habits and Efforts?
I am not consistent with the good habits and efforts which I know are required for me to achieve ultimate goal of my life. This could an obvious question of anyone, that if I know this thing then why the hell, I am not doing these good things in my daily life? I know that […]
How to know if my goal of life is good or not?
If you are reading these words, then I am very sure about one thing, You are a self-motivated person who have an honest goal of your life but not very sure whether those goals are worthy and fruitful for you or even for society or not. This is the same question, today I asked from […]
What to Do, When You Not Feel Good About Your Daily Goals – Day-4 Lesson
Today’s I will go straight to the discussion. —- Me: Hi Universe: Hi Vikash, So you are not feeling good today? Me: Yes, because I have not done anything substantial, which we have discussed to do yesterday within your lesson of perseverance. Universe: You Know! You should be proud of what you have achieved today […]